A collection of the many benefits of ‘tomatoes’, a red vegetable

A collection of the many benefits of ‘tomatoes‘, a red vegetable packed with medicinal properties.

Tomatoes are not vegetables as many people think, but red fruits that are rich in vitamins and minerals such as vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin K, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, calcium, phosphorus, and iron. A medium-sized tomato contains half the amount of vitamin C of a whole grapefruit, and one tomato contains one-third of the amount of vitamin A that the body needs per day.  

Importantly, they also contain lycopene, a compound in สมัคร ufabet the carotenoid group, an antioxidant that may help protect cells from deterioration due to free radicals. It may also help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer. Therefore, it is considered a popular fruit that can be used in a variety of dishes and can also be eaten fresh.

Nourishes the heart and blood vessels

     Tomatoes are rich in lycopene, which is beneficial in preventing the risk of heart attacks, reducing the risk of hardening of the arteries, lowering cholesterol and triglycerides. They also contain potassium, which may help reduce the amount of bad fat (LDL), help control the heartbeat to be normal and help reduce high blood pressure, which is a major risk factor for heart disease and blood vessels.

Nourishes the skin to be radiant

     Tomatoes are rich in vitamin C, which may help improve skin health. This is because vitamin C plays an important role in the creation of collagen, a type of protein that plays an important role in strengthening skin health. It contains antioxidants that help reduce and delay the appearance of wrinkles, and helps the skin maintain its elasticity, moisture, and freshness, without dryness.

Prevent diabetes

     Cooked tomatoes have properties that help reduce oxidation and tissue damage, which are the causes of diabetes. They also help strengthen the body’s immune system because tomatoes are very high in vitamin C, which helps strengthen the body’s immune system. When our bodies are strong from external pollution, we can stay away from diseases.

Helps blood clot faster

     It has the function of helping platelets work better because it is important for the cardiovascular system. When the cardiovascular system is good, it can indirectly affect the function of platelets and the health of the overall blood system. In addition, tomatoes have a high water content, helping with better blood circulation and supporting good platelet function. Therefore, it helps treat scurvy, bleeding gums, and helps prevent hardening of the blood vessels.

Good for eyesight

     Contains vitamin A which has properties to help nourish eyesight, reduce the chance and relieve night blindness, prevent night blindness, reduce the problem of light sensitivity, help to see more clearly, increase the efficiency of vision and help treat many eye diseases.

Strengthen bones and prevent osteoporosis

     Contains vitamin K and calcium to strengthen bones by helping to create osteocalcin, a protein that helps strengthen bones and prevent osteoporosis. It also contains collagen, which is the main structure of bones, joints, tendons, and skin, making them stronger.

Improves bowel movement, reduces constipation

     Tomatoes are high in dietary fiber, low in calories, and help with the digestive system and excretion, making excretion go well. Therefore, they are a popular vegetable to eat when wanting to control weight or for people who have problems with difficult excretion, constipation, or indigestion.