Netflix Japan announced that the second season of the anime “Hanma Baki: Son of Ogre” has entered production cartoons. Set to premiere worldwide exclusively on the Netflix platform.
The anime “Hanma Baki: Son of Ogre” is based on Keisuke Itagaki’s “Hanma Baki” manga series. which is the sequel to “Baki: Battle of the Demons.” It started in Shounen Champion magazine in December 2005. And ended in August 2012. After that Itagaki-chan started drawing “Baki-DOU” (Baki-DOU) in March 2014. Finish the first part in April 2018. and started drawing part two in October of the same year UFABET until now.
As for the anime, TMS Entertainment Begins creating a 26-episode anime “Baki”, premiering on Netflix in June. Until December 2018, followed by “Baki: The Great Raitai Tournament” 13 episodes premiering in June 2020, and the latest “Baki: Son of Ogre” season 1, 12 episodes, premiering in September 2021. The second season. The show schedule has not yet been announced.
Baki the Grappler manga started in 1991 by Keisuke Itagaki. There are 3 parts in total. The first part tells the story of Baki as a child and his youth, with 42 volumes. It tells about Baki during his training and competition. Fight Tournament Part Two is the period in which Baki travels to the wider world to sharpen his skills. There are 31 volumes, and the latest part 3, which just ended in 2012, has 37 volumes. Fighting with his father. Total of 3 semesters, there are 110 books already. It’s a very long cartoon.