Tom and Jerry 2021

Tom and Jerry 2021 (Tom and Jerry: Film Edition),

 Tom and Jerry 2021 a live-action comedy hurts two-dimensional hybrid animation based on the 1940s animated short film of the same name created by Han Nah and Joseph Babira, directed by Tim Story and Kevin Costello are writing the roles of Chloe Grace Moretz, Michael Penha, Colin Jostpalavi. Sharda and Kenjong get a pre-death recording of Hannah Babira, Mel Blanc, June Foray, and Tom and Jerry’s voiceover. The studio was created by Warner Bros. Animation, Warner Bros.

Tom and Jerry 2021

The story of the fight (Not really dead) of blue cats and brown mice like Tom and Jerry

who pick up all kinds of things to fight with no fear of violence like an 81-year R-rated movie that has been in the media. Until it is popular with many youngsters and adults around the world, along with the popular joke, sore or slapstick to this day. And this is the 80th anniversary of Tim Story, a talented director who has contributed many famous films. Such as Marvel Super Hero films like the Fantastic Four, both old versions and duo. Burning through stunts A fun police partner movie.

Many people may be wondering if it will work or not. Cartoons and people don’t go together, but Tim Story insists on using this technique. Because it is a reverence to the original And it is to make every movement natural, even if it is not a three-dimensional image. Believing that they will do it their best Ready to lead an army of talented actors, beginning with Chloe Grace Maurace, a very talented young lady. 

Fun and fully retaining the charm of the original

If anyone watched Tom and Jerry, they wouldn’t be difficult to guess the pattern. Because in the narrative of the film is not anything complicated, quite straightforward. Tell from one to ten There is no clue that invites you to understand. But its charm is the perfect split between Tom and Jerry who have to fight each other in order to stay in the hotel. 

With Kayla who had to try and save the hotel from being ruined first. It is also a Tom and Jerry that has been involved. But did not compete for the dominant area of ​​the main character. But are consistent as one It is also able to open up new stories without feeling like this is a live action movie with cartoon characters as the supporting characters, and the movement of the characters is as natural as director Tim Story intended. Make the part of the action in the three-dimensional world of the characters reliable. Without making it a real cat or even real mice It also picks up the character’s identity and personality just as the short animation has to offer. 

This makes anyone who has watched cartoons to feel the reach of the characters without having to understand anything difficult. 

With some scenes or jokes, it is like picked up from a short episode that many people would surely have passed their eyes on to recompile and reinterpret in a contemporary and stylish way. I couldn’t feel the force. But the joke is not that new becauseIt will follow the cartoons that have been seen through the eyes more. Pick up things and hit each other, chase each other, think of a trap, flirt with the audience. Anyone who has watched cartoons may be laughing. Not enough to smile at the corner of the mouth. Because that’s the advantage that Tom and Jerry’s live action movies can do without any flaws.